Burn and Pediatric Mass Casualty Incident Response

Partnership With the Chattanooga Homeless Coalitions

2021 National healthcare coalition preparedness conference
The SERHC Newest Acquisitions
New Equipment For Regional Healthcare
During the Covid-19 pandemic the SERHC has continued to supply healthcare facilities with the lifesaving equipment needed to provide quality healthcare throughout our region. One of our newest acquisitions where the Vaoptherm respiratory care units, a system that provides treatment for undifferentiated respiratory distress with one single tool.
Training for Disasters
In an effort to keep our Region prepared for disasters we practice real life disaster scenarios, this process helps to keep our front line responders and the public prepared to deal with adverse events.
Here are a few photos of a Mock bus wreck drill that was held in the Chattanooga area. We would like to thank the children, responders and the make-up artists for making the injuries and event look real.